About Animals series by Owen Davey

About Animals - an Owen Davey Educational Picture Book Collection

On this page: Review | List of Books

Titles: Monkeys (2015) | Sharks (2016) | Cats (2017) | Beetles (2018) | Frogs (2019) | Octopuses (2020) | Crocodiles (2021) | Penguins (2023) | Bears (2024)


The “About Animals” series are large picture books which feature fascinating facts and delightful illustrations for whichever animal is the focus of the alliterative title. I collect these for the artwork, which manages to be both bright and contemporary to attract young readers, yet also charming and nostalgic witch echoes of mid-century modern design which appeals to the older collector. They’re excellent nature-focused books for homeschoolers and the perfect gift for bright primary school and middle grade readers with a love for animals and biology. Or simply leave a pile of them around your house to fascinate anyone who loves to learn.

owen davey penguin ice banner

The difference between the US & UK editions is primarily spelling convention and minor differences in cover layout. I’ve included links to hardbacks below, and paperback editions are released as the hardbacks are slowly starting to go out of print. Each of the books is a standalone, but if you want them all, there are 9 books in the series to collect as of 2024.

Owen Davey is a British freelance illustrator, and you can buy prints of his wonderful artwork directly through his online shop. (Fun fact, he’s also known for his work as the illustrator of the fun Two Dots puzzle game by PlayDots.)

owen davey monkey jungle banner

List of books

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Brainy About Bears - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #9. 9781838748791 (US), 9781838741617 (UK). Jul 2024. 

“Did you know that bears have existed longer than modern day humans? Or that polar bears aren’t actually white?”

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Passionate About Penguins - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #8.  9781838748524 (US), 9781838740771 (UK). Aug 2023.

“Did you know that penguins can hold their breath for over half an hour? Or that they can swim four times faster than an Olympic swimmer?”

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Curious About Crocodiles - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #7. 9781838740047 (US), 9781838740375 (UK). Sep 2021.

“Did you know that crocodiles can live to be over 100 years old, and can climb trees to sunbathe? They can even sense the vibrations from a single drop of water falling from the mouth of a drinking wildebeest over twenty metres away.

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Obsessive About Octopuses - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #6. 9781912497782 (US), 9781912497195 (UK). Mar 2020.

“Did you know that an octopus has three hearts? And that they are particularly intelligent, with some being known to use tools?

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Fanatical About Frogs - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #5. 9781912497980 (US), 9781912497058 (UK). Jun 2019.

“Did you know that there are over 4,000 known species of frog? Some are bigger than your dinner plate, while others are small enough to sit on your fingernail, and in between is about every color and size you can imagine!”

➤ OOP. Find US HB ed at Amazon | Abes | eBay

➤ Find US paperback at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ OOP. Find UK HB ed at Amazon | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK paperback at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Bonkers About Beetles - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #4. 9781838748722 (US), 9781911171485 (UK). Jun 2019.

“Did you know that there are roughly 400,000 different species of beetles? These incredible creatures make up about 25% of all animals on our planet! Beetles are superbly adapted to life in various climates across the world, wherever trees and flowers are found.”

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Crazy About Cats - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #3. 9781838749859 (US), 9781911171164 (UK). Aug 2016.

“Did you know that the fishing cat has partially webbed paws for catching fish? Or that pumas can leap over 15 feet into trees? There are roughly 38 species of cats today, each one superbly adapted to their environment – whether that be in the rainforest or the desert.”

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon |  Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Smart About Sharks - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #2. 9781838749866 (US), 9781909263918 (UK). Sep 2017.

“Explore the mysteries of the sea’s most feared denizens of the deep. Some deadly, some not-so-deadly, and almost all just generally misunderstood. “

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Mad About Monkeys - Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books. Book #1. 9781838748739 (US), 9781909263574 (UK). Aug 2015.

“With over 250 species inhabiting our planet, this book explores the many different types of monkeys from the smallest Pygmy Marmoset to the largest Mandrill, and provides all the facts you wanted to know and more.”

➤ Find US ed at Amazon | B&N | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

➤ Find UK ed at Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay


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