Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: The Complete List
Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: The Complete List
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Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions are popular and classic titles with beautifully designed covers that bring joy to any bookshelf. The titles are exclusive to Barnes & Noble, which is by far the cheapest place to source in print titles, but unfortunately not all countries can access shipping from B&N and a decent number of titles are out of print, so alternative places I find them include Amazon, Waterstones, Blackwells, AbeBooks, and eBay.
Most of the books are leatherbound, and indeed the series was originally called the Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics.
How long has the series been going?
Barnes and Noble brought out their original series of collectible ‘exclusive’ leather-bound classic editions in 1992. The contents were mostly omnibus editions (with several titles by the same author in a single book) and the bindings were very traditional, with dark (bonded) leather covers featuring plain gold text and simple foiled borders, along with raised bands on the spine, gilt page edges, decorative endpapers, and a sewn-in ribbon bookmark. In 2005, they released a highly decorative edition of The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll and its popularity sparked the beginning of the ‘Collectible Classics’ as the series is better known today. Visit this page on the Barnes & Noble website to see everything they currently have available in the series.
Are the books covered in ‘real’ leather?
The majority of the books in the collectible classics series are covered in ‘bonded’ leather. This is basically a mix of both real leather (leftover scraps and fibres from processing genuine leather) and fake leather (typically a polyurethane binder), rolled together using an adhesive glue and bonded onto a paper backing. In some cases, a second coating of polyurethane can be added and embossed to create a texture closer to real leather. Basically bonded leather is to leather what chipboard is to wood. So yes, most B&N book covers are comprised of about 20% real leather. The Flexibound Editions, on the other hand, are essentially upmarket paperbacks bound in a type of flexible plastic/vinyl material – that feels rather nicer and more like suede than it sounds from this description!
What’s the quality like?
Okay, this is a difficult question. For the price, I think they are amazing. Do they compare in quality to publishers selling fine press leatherbound editions? Of course not. They are definitely very decorative shelf candy with their gorgeous cover designs and bright colored covers, and I personally think that anything that makes people more likely to pick up and read a classic novel is a great thing. Most of the books have decorative head and tail bands, gilt or stained page edges, bound-in silk ribbon bookmarks, and decorative hubs on the spine. They are all relatively durable hardbacks except for the Flexibound Editions (and even these are way more durable than your average paperback). The proof is in the bookshelf, and I have a large number of B&N collectible classics in my own shelves, holding their own against my much more expensive Folio Society and Easton Press books.
But I do have a few caveats. Internally, I’d classify them as on par with a decent book club edition – they are hybrid bound, with most having sewn signatures glued into the spine, which means they will lay flat, but the glue doesn’t last for a long time. The translations used for foreign language classics are older ones that are in the public domain, and there are often newer ones available that are easier to read (if translation is important to you, I recommend the Penguin Classics, which additionally also have great notes). And some of the volumes have also had really disappointing errors in the text that are often fixed up in later printings, but that’s not much use if you have an earlier edition (where I am aware of these issues, I have noted the details below). The illustrations are often scanned from reprints, not originals, so they are not as sharp as they could be. And although they look gorgeous, I personally am not a huge fan of the massive omnibus editions because they are really quite unwieldy to read when they get above 600 pages or so. (I made an exception for that very pretty 2018 Alice omnibus though. I am a big Alice fan if you’d like to see my collection. Please don’t judge me…)
Are some of the books the same just with different covers?
Yes, the books in this series are often re-released with the same internal content and a different binding – many of the titles from the Illustrated Children’s Classics collection, for example, have the same content as the now out-of-print Rainbow Classics collection, but have different cover design. The Signature Editions collection were produced as hardbacks between 2011-2012, and then re-released using almost the same cover designs a few years later but with flexibound covers instead. It works the other way as well – The Arabian Nights was released in 2009 with one set of illustrations, then again in 2016 with different illustrations, but the cover design is almost identical (if you look closely, you can see that some tiny Arabic symbols on the corner of the front cover were replaced with decorative elements for the later edition). For books published before about 2005, several volumes were re-released several times with different covers but using the same ISBN number (if you check the original series page with more details about this collection, I have all the different covers there). Later volumes have unique ISBNs associated with different publication dates. For online listings, people sometimes get confused between the text copyright date and the B&N publication date – the later date is the correct one.
Do they keep their value?
Actually, since the books are really reasonably priced to begin with, and they are relatively robust, B&N collectible classics are one of those rare series where they actually do mostly keep their value. (That said, I wouldn’t suggest collecting this series with visions of making your fortune as a reseller down the line. They are printed in high numbers and most titles are readily available.)
Which books are worth the most?
The volumes that are the most valuable at the moment are primarily children’s books that hold emotional value and for some reason have been out of print for some time (although there is no guarantee they won’t suddenly come back into print since the contents are out of copyright and B&N presumably own the cover designs). The most coveted out-of-print volumes at the moment are probably Audubon’s Birds of America (with its stunning bird paintings) and The Chronicles of Narnia (which has a particularly lovely cover and includes the original illustrations by Pauline Baynes) followed by Little House: The First Five Novels by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The Emerald City of Oz omnibus is also relatively expensive at the moment, but with a new cover design for the first five novels (and no commitment to printing the final five in the older design), I’m not sure if this will remain high. The Signature Editions are also relatively expensive on the second-hand market, because the leather binding material on these is nicer than the flexibound editions that replaced them.
What are the different collections within this series?
B&N often put different sets of books in different parts of their stores, and previously they have marketed sub-series through other booksellers using different identifiers. Mostly, you can identify these loose collections by their different sizes and binding designs. I have begun creating separate pages with more detailed information about these sub-series if you’re a really keen collector (or just irredeemably curious), so if you’re interested, you can check out pages specifically dedicated the original series, the Signature Editions, the Pocket Classics, the Rainbow Children’s Classics Series, the illustrated children’s classics, and the deluxe children’s treasuries. If you’re a keen collector, I’d really love to know what your favorite volumes are! (And also if this list is at all helpful – I couldn’t find the information collated anywhere else on the web which is why I decided to build this page in the first place…)
How many books in the series?
There are a couple of hundred volumes in the complete series. I am hesitant to be more specific, because as noted above many titles have been reprinted several times with the only difference being cover designs, others have been reprinted with the same cover design but different contents, a couple of titles were included in the series on the B&N website but are made of different materials and really don’t seem to fit – it’s all a bit of a mess really. But I do have every single title listed below, so you can decide which ones you think are ‘in’ and which are ‘out’ as you build your own collection.
But now, on to the list. It’s a monster, because I wanted it to be exhaustive and complete. Hope it helps!
Complete list of all the books in the Barnes & Noble Leatherbound and Collectible Classics series
Jump to author surname: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M – O | P – Q | R | S | T | U | V | W – Z | Anthologies & Anon
List last updated February 2025. → See current stock at B&N.
Upcoming 2025 releases include: Eragon (Jan 25); Children of Blood & Bone (Feb 25); Stranger Things (Jul 25); A Treasury of Classic Ghost Stories; A Treasury of Norse Mythology; A Treasury of Greek Mythology (Aug 25); The Song of Achilles, Classic Christmas Poems, and A Christmas Treasury (all Sep 25), Irish Mythology and Fairy Tales and Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales (both Dec 25).
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
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ISBN 9781250393203, 02/04/2025
544p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
Aesop’s Illustrated Fables by Aesop, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane, and Ernest Griset
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ISBN 9781435144835, 06/17/2013
464p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.40(d). OP$25. Cover art by Elizabeth Traynor.
B&N Omnibus Classics
Aesop’s Fables by Aesop, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane, and Ernest Griset.
[*A reduced size extract of the 2013 edition of Aesop’s Illustrated Fables].
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ISBN 9781435163829, 08/30/2017
240p. 6.30(w) x 7.80(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10.
Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435136137, 10/25/2012
528p. 5.86(w) x 8.54(h) x 2.02(d). OP$12. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Little Women and other novels by Louisa May Alcott
Includes Little Women, Little Men, and Jo’s Boys
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ISBN 9781435167179, 04/06/2018
832p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.00(d). OP$25.
Cover design by Kelly Thorn.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435103849, 04/14/2008
712p. 6.58 x 9.78 x 1.75(d). OP $20.
Cover art by Cathie Bleck, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, illustrated by Gustav Doré, translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Introduction by Melinda Corey.
[*Reissue of 2008 edition with a new cover design.]
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ISBN 9781435162068, 06/01/2016
712p. 6.58 x 9.78 x 1.75(d). OP $25. Cover art by Gustav Dore, cover design by Jim Tierney.
ISBN 9781435125995, 11/05/2010
984p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.10(d). OP$20. Cover illustration by Marc Burckhardt, cover design by Jo Obarowski, book design by Patrice Kaplan
B&N Omnibus Classics
Hans Christian Andersen: Classic Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker and Hans Tegner
A selection of 100 illustrated tales.
[*Despite strikingly similar cover designs, this is a different edition to the 2010 release as it includes illustrations].
ISBN 9781435142145, 09/17/2012
712p. 6.20(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.10(d). OP$20. Cover illustration by Marc Burckhardt, cover design by Jo Obarowski, book design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Collected Fairy Tales
ISBN 9781435158122, 07/31/2015
712p. 6.00(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.60(d). OP$25. Cover art by Laurel Long, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Collected Fairy Tales
The Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, illustrated by W. Heath Robinson
A selection of 17 tales illustrated by Heath Robinson.
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ISBN 9781435163683, 10/05/2016
320p. 6.30(w) x 8.90(h) x 1.10(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kelly Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435103191, 12/17/2007
1232p. 9.48(w) x 6.18(h) x 2.30(d). Cover design by Jo Oberowski and Elizabeth Traynor.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435158139, 05/18/2016
1232p. 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.40(d). OP$20.
B&N Omnibus Classics
Jane Austen: Seven Novels by Jane Austen
Includes Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan.
[*Revised 2016 edition.]
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ISBN 9781435167964, 02/26/2018
1232p. 6.60(w) x 9.50(h) x 2.50(d). OP$25.
B&N Omnibus Classics
Emma by Jane Austen
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ISBN 9781435171367, 08/27/2021
400p. 5.50(w) x 8.25(h) x (d). OP$10.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435127432, 9/25/2012
228p. 6.50(w) x 1.50(h) x 9.50(d). OP$12.Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Persuasion by Jane Austen
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with flexibound binding.]
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ISBN 9781435169463, 04/02/2019
240p. 5.50(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.20(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435127449, 03/14/2011
536p. 7.28(w) x 10.10(h) x 1.59(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
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ISBN 9781435159631, 04/03/2015
368p. 5.70(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.50(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435131804, 10/15/2011
344p. 5.78(w) x 8.52(h) x 1.48(d). OP$12. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
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ISBN 9781435169487, 04/02/2019
344p. 8.40(w) x 5.80(h) x 1.50(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435133471, 09/30/2011
200p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142015, 09/25/2012
200p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
Peter Pan by James Barrie, illustrated by F. D. Bedford
[*Reissue of 2011/2012 edition with new cover design.]
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ISBN 9781435154704, 09/15/2014
200p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover illustration by Danielle Deschenes, cover art by Superstock, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435156227, 06/04/2015
736p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.90(d). OP$25. Cover art by W. W. Denslow, cover design by Fractured Pixels.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Wizard of Oz: The First Five Novels by L. Frank Baum, illustrated by W. W. Denslow and John R. Neill
Includes: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Marvelous Land of Oz, Ozma of Oz, Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, and The Road to Oz.
[*Reissue of 2015 edition with new cover design.]
ISBN 9781435171336, 09/15/2020
736p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25. Cover art and endpaper design by Jim Tierney.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435162686, 08/05/2016
800p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.90(d). OP$25. Cover art by W. W. Denslow, cover design by Fractured Pixels.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum, illustrated by W. W. Denslow and John R. Neill
→ Soon to be OOP. Check availability at Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435169432, 08/28/2019
392p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h). OP$25. Cover design by Scott Russo and Paul Girard. Interior design by Kevin Ullrich.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
ISBN 9781435139732, 09/25/2012
232p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, illustrated by W. W. Denslow
[*Reissue of the 2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones
ISBN 9781435147614, 08/29/2013
232p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
A Madeline Treasury by Ludwig Bemelmans
Includes six original books: Madeline (1939), Madeline’s Rescue (1953), Madeline and the Bad Hat (1956), Madeline and the Gypsies (1959), Madeline in London (1961), and Madeline’s Christmas (1985). Also includes an introduction by Anna Quindlen, Bemelmans’ essay The Isle of God, and working sketches.
ISBN 9781101950340, 02/24/2017
320p. 8.10(w) x 10.30(h) x 1.30(d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
The Adventures of Indiana Jones by Campbell Black, James Kahn and Rob Macgregor
Includes three novels: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
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ISBN 9780525617556, 04/03/2023
Random House
608p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$40.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9780385365246, 04/29/2016
Bantam Books
720p. 9.40(w) x 6.30(h) x 1.70(d). OP$25.
B&N Scifi & Fantasy Classics
ISBN 9781435137202, 07/15/2012
864p. 6.50(w) x 9.28(h) x 1.79(d). OP$25. Cover illustration by Elizabeth Traynor, cover design by Patrice Kaplan and Elizabeth Traynor.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435129740, 02/28/2011
520p. 5.72(w) x 8.34(h) x 2.02(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Introduction by Laura Ciolkowski.
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
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ISBN 9781435163652, 08/05/2016
520p. 8.40(w) x 5.90(h) x 2.10(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435129764, 03/14/2011
336p. 5.68(w) x 8.62(h) x 1.46(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
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ISBN 9781435159662, 04/03/2015
336p. 5.90(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.40(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435129023, 05/31/2013
680p. 6.10(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.50(d). OP$20.
B&N World Mythology
Aladdin and the Arabian Nights illustrated by René Bull
20 tales.
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ISBN 9781435166141, 02/23/2018
352p. 6.30(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435137844, 02/16/2012
264p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142091, 09/25/2012
264p. 6.40(w) x 8.20(h) x 0.97(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435158177, 07/03/2015
264p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435133440, 09/30/2011
304p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142121, 09/25/2012
304p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Charles Robinson
[*Reissue of 2011/2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435158184, 07/03/2015
304p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Flora Waycott.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
B&N Children’s Floral Collection
The Arabian Nights translated by Richard F. Burton, illustrated by René Bull and Alfred W. Cooper
[*Despite similar covers, this is a different edition of Arabian Nights to the 2009 edition as it has different illustrations.][**Added from reader comments “There is also an alternate version of the 2016 edition printed in India that has the 2009 cover with the 2016 illustrations.”]
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ISBN 9781435156234, 10/29/2016
752p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jo Obarowski, book design by Patrice Kaplan.
The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll
Includes Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, Sylvie and Bruno, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, The Hunting of the Snark, and additional poetry, essays, and miscellaneous writings.
ISBN 9780760774489, 08/28/2005
1265p. 6.25(w) x 9.50(h). Cover design by Jo Obarowski, border by Gary Kroman.
B&N Omnibus Classics
B&N Original Series
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories by Lewis Carroll, illustrated by John Tenniel
Includes Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, Sylvie and Bruno, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, The Hunting of the Snark, and additional poetry, essays, and miscellaneous writings.
ISBN 9781435122949, 01/29/2010
1184p. 6.64(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.39(d). OP$19.98. Cover illustration by Hugh D’Andrade, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Omnibus Classics
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories by Lewis Carroll, illustrated by John Tenniel
Includes Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, Sylvie and Bruno, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, The Hunting of the Snark, and additional poetry, essays, and miscellaneous writings.
[*Reissue of 2010 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435166240, 05/28/2018
1184p. 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.40(d). OP$25. Cover design by Elizabeth Traynor.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435142886, 10/04/2012
240p. 5.80(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
ISBN 9781435139756, 04/14/2014
296p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, illustrated by John Tenniel
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with a different cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435159549, 03/27/2015
240p. 5.80(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, illustrated by John Tenniel
[*Reissue of 2014 edition with a different cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435160736, 07/03/2015
296p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover design by Arthur Burlingame/Fractured Pixels.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
The Awakening and Other Stories by Kate Chopin
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435168657, 04/26/2019
360p. 5.70(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9780062678058, 09/29/2017
HarperCollins Publishing
624p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.40(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jim Tierney.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9780062875914, 10/05/2018
HarperCollins Publishing
592p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.30(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jim Tierney.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9780062990006, 09/14/2020
HarperCollins Publishing
704p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.50(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jim Tierney.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Alchemist and Other Novels by Paulo Coelho
Includes The Alchemist, Seven Minutes and The Witch of Portobello.
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ISBN 9780063269750, 02/23/2023
840p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h) . OP$40.
B&N Omnibus Classics
Heart of Darkness and Other Stories by Joseph Conrad
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ISBN 9781435168480, 03/01/2019
368p. 5.60(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.70(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435144729, 10/17/2016
240p. 6.40(w) x 7.90(h) x 0.90(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jim Tierney.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781101952016, 08/28/2019
Penguin Publishing
368p. 8.10(w) x 10.30(h) x 1.20(d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
ISBN 9781435145399, 09/24/2013
768p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.90(d). OP$20.
B&N Omnibus Classics
A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Tales by Charles Dickens
A leatherbound color treasury of Christmas tales by Dickens, Alcott, Hoffman and more, with vintage illustrations.
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ISBN 9781435170452, 11/16/2021
368p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h). OP$35. Cover design by Gina Bonanno.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
ISBN 9781435149106, 10/4/2013
Fall River Press
120p. 4.00(w) x 7.00(h) x 0.40(d). OP$8.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
[*Reissue of 2013 contents with updated layout and cover design.]
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ISBN 9781435170087, 09/10/2019
Fall River Press
128p. 4.20(w) x 7.20(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
ISBN 9781435168503, 12/28/2018
368p. 5.40(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.50(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435140707, 9/25/2012
520p. 6.06(w) x 8.34(h) x 2.10(d). OP$12. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with flexibound binding.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167193, 04/06/2018
520p. 5.80(w) x 8.40(h) x 2.10(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162563, 05/30/2016
128p. 7.00(w) x 4.10(h) x 0.60(d). OP$8. Cover design by David Ter-Avanasyen.
ISBN 9781435131828, 10/15/2011
560p. 5.82(w) x 8.56(h) x 2.17(d). OP$12. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass
Memoir of former slave turned abolitionist, Frederick Douglass.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167902, 02/26/2018
1096p. 6.50(w) x 9.60(h) x 2.30(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jim Tierney.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435148109, 04/04/2014
424p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, illustrated by Sidney Paget
7 short stories and the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles.
[*Reissue of 2014 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162051, 04/04/2016
424p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.10(d). OP$10. Cover design by Spencer Charles.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
Sherlock Holmes: Classic Stories by Arthur Conan Doyle
10 short stories and the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435169593, 06/04/2019
368p. 5.70(w) x 8.10(h) x 1.50(d). OP$10. Cover design by Frances MacLeod.
B&N Flexibound Editions
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435132115, 10/22/2011
1065p. 6.50(w) x 9.50(h) x 2.20(d). OP$20.
The Nutcracker by Alexandre Dumas
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435154520, 09/01/2018
152p. 3.90(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.60(d). OP$8. Cover design by Danielle Deschenes.
Fall River Press
Middlemarch by George Eliot
→ Buy from Amazon | Abes | eBay | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435169579, 09/07/2019
704p. 5.70(w) x 8.10(h) x 1.69(d). OP$25.
Legends and Tales of the American West by Richard Erdoes
130 stories. B&W illustrations throughout. Part of the Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9780525617341, 02/04/2022
464p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$30.
B&N World Mythology
This Side of Paradise and Other Classic Works by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Includes the novels This Side of Paradise and The Beautiful and Damned along with 19 short stories, including “Bernice Bobs Her Hair,” “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz,” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.”
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells | eBay
ISBN 9781435146198, 01/30/2015
864p. 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.00(d). OP$20. Cover design by Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich.
B&N Omnibus Classics
F. Scott Fitzgerald: Classic Works by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Includes the novels This Side of Paradise and The Beautiful and Damned along with 19 short stories, including “Bernice Bobs Her Hair,” “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz,” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.”
[*Reissue of 2015 edition with a new cover design.]
ISBN 9781435167414, 05/29/2018
864p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.10(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jim Tierney, art direction by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Great Gatsby and Other Classic Works by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A reissue of the 2018 ‘classic works’ publication with the addition of The Great Gatsby (also including This Side of Paradise and The Beautiful and Damned along with 19 short stories).
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435170513, 01/01/2021
984p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$25. Cover design by Jim Tierney, art direction by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9780593673751, 10/17/2023
352p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
ISBN 9781435158962, 06/03/2015
136p. 4.30(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8. Cover design by Scott Russo.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167391, 02/15/2019
144p. 3.90(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
ISBN 9781435139718, 09/25/2012
224p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435163720, 03/21/2017
224p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435141865, 09/25/2012
744p. 6.00(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$20. Cover design Jo Obarowski, book design Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Collected Fairy Tales
Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm, illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Over 200 tales by the Brothers Grimm.
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435158115, 07/10/2015
744p. 5.90(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25. Cover art by Laurel Long, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Collected Fairy Tales
Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm
Over 200 tales by the Brothers Grimm.
[*Looks likely to be another reissue of the 2012 edition, in a slightly revised size format. TBC.]
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435173415, 12/15/2025
752p. 6.00 (w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
B&N World Folklore Collection
ISBN 9781435139725, 09/25/2012
352p. 6.42 (w) x 8.22 (h) x 1.00 (d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowksi.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435158153, 06/05/2015
352p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover design by Danielle Deschenes, cover engraving by Eugene George Klimsch.
Tales of Norse Mythology by H. A. Guerber
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435164987, 04/28/2017
464p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.50(d). OP$25. Cover design by Freki Wodenswolf Jungnickel.
B&N World Folklore Collection
A Treasury of Greek Mythology by H. A. Guerber
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435173422, 08/15/2025
448p. 6.00 (w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
B&N World Folklore Collection
A Treasury of Norse Mythology by H. A. Guerber & Henry Adams
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435173439, 08/15/2025
764p. 6.00 (w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
B&N World Folklore Collection
ISBN 9781435142831, 03/18/2013
216p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Boys and Girls by Nathaniel Hawthorne, illustrated by Walter Crane
[*Reissue of 2013 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435158146, 07/03/2015
216p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Arthur Burlingame/Fractured Pixels.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435131811, 10/15/2011
240p. 5.68(w) x 8.60(h) x 1.18(d). OP$20. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
ISBN 9781435152069, 06/04/2014
824p. 6.10(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$20. Cover art by rolffimages.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Classics
ISBN 9781435129849, 10/05/2011
896p. 6.20(w) x 9.45(h) x 1.85(d). OP$20. Covert art by Nancy Stahl, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435172227, 01/01/2022
224p. 5.50(w) x 8.25(h). OP$15.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435145382, 11/15/2013
752p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$20. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan, cover art by grafikwork and Paul Girard.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer
Translated by Samuel Butler.
[Revised edition of 2013 with errors corrected].
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167940, 04/20/2018
752p. 9.20(w) x 6.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan, cover art by grafikwork and Paul Girard.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Odyssey by Homer
Translated by Samuel Butler, introduction by Damian Stocking.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435163102, 10/06/2016
296p. 5.60(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.40(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435163690, 03/04/2017
928p. 6.40(w) x 9.50(h) x 2.20(d), OP$25. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
ISBN 9781435166165, 09/25/2017
336p. 5.50(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.50(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunter Wars by K. W. Jeter
Includes The Mandalorian Armor; Slave Ship and Hard Merchandise. [The title was originally advertised as The Mandalorian.]
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9780525617563, 09/14/2022
Random House
752p. 6.20(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.70(w). OP$45.
ISBN 9781435165052, 08/29/2017
224p. 5.50(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435129122, 4/30/2013
800p. 6.64(w) x 9.22(h) x 1.70(d). OP$20.
B&N Collected Classics
Classic American Short Stories edited by Michael Kelehan
Features works by 27 American authors, including Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edith Wharton, Henry James, Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, and H.P. Lovecraft.
[*Reissue of 2013 edition with a new cover design.]
ISBN 9781435163706, 12/26/2017
800p. 6.20(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.90(d). OP$25. Cover design by Raphael Geroni.
B&N Collected Classics
ISBN 9781435142824, 03/18/2013
200p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435158160, 06/05/2015
200p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by James Madsen, border by Fractured Pixels.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
Beauty and the Beast and Other Fairy Tales collected by Andrew Lang
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435161276, 08/29/2016
736p. 6.20(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.60(d). OP$25. Cover art by Laurel Long, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Collected Fairy Tales
ISBN 9781435142848, 03/18/2013
440p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, illustrated by Henry J. Ford & G. P. Jacomb Hood
[*Reissue of 2013 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162174, 05/29/2017
440p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.10(d). OP$10. Cover illustration by Vartan Ter-Avanesyan, cover design by David Ter-Avanesyan, inset illustration by Arthur Rackham.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435144828, 06/24/2014
736p. 6.00(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.80(d). OP$20. Cover art by Elizabeth Traynor.
B&N Collected Fairy Tales
ISBN 9780374303228, 09/03/2015
672p. 6.30(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.50(d). OP$25. Cover design by Elizabeth Mihaltse Lindy.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Classics
ISBN 9781435117150, 08/13/2009
800p. 6.40(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.70(d). OP$20.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435144682, 04/04/2014
184p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435163737, 03/21/2017
184p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
HP Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction by H. P. Lovecraft
Includes: The Call of Cthulhu, The Dreams in the Witch House, The Haunter of the Dark, At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow out of Time, The Shadow over Innsmouth, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, and more.
ISBN 9781435122963, 03/18/2011
1112p. 6.60(w) x 9.12(h) x 2.29(d). OP$25.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Series
HP Lovecraft: The Complete Cthulhu Mythos Tales by H. P. Lovecraft, introduced by S. T. Joshi
23 tales. Includes: The Call of Cthulhu, The Colour out of Space, The Dunwich Horror, The Shadow over Innsmouth, and The Shadow out of Time, and six collaborative “revisions”.
Collector’s edition containing 16″x20″ poster Cthulhu Rising by John Coulthart.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162556, 04/29/2016
608p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.40(d). OP$25. Cover art by John Coulthart.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Series
ISBN 9780307292216, 09/14/2012
Random House
720p. 9.42(w) x 6.34(h) x 1.76(d). OP$25. Cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Series
The Star Wars Trilogy [White R2D2 special edition] by George Lucas, Donald F. Glut and James Kahn
Includes Star Wars: A New Hope by George Lucas, The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut, and Return of the Jedi by James Kahn. With an introduction by George Lucas.
Collector’s edition containing a 21″x32″ poster.
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with a new cover design.]
ISBN 9780385364959, 07/29/2015
Random House
720p. 6.00(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.60(d). OP$25. Cover design by Paul Girard.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Series
The Star Wars Trilogy [Gold C3PO special edition] by George Lucas, Donald F. Glut and James Kahn
Includes Star Wars: A New Hope by George Lucas, The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut, and Return of the Jedi by James Kahn. With an introduction by George Lucas.
Collector’s edition containing a 21″x32″ poster.
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with a new cover design.]
ISBN 9780385364942, 10/02/2015
Random House
720p. 6.20(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Series
The Star Wars Trilogy [White Princess Leia edition] by George Lucas, Donald F. Glut and James Kahn
Includes Star Wars: A New Hope by George Lucas, The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut, and Return of the Jedi by James Kahn. With an introduction by George Lucas.
[*Reissue of 2012/2015 editions with a new cover design.]
ISBN 9780525615088, 08/29/2018
Random House
720p. 9.40(w) x 6.40(h) x 1.70(d). OP$25.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Series
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
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ISBN 9781435163812, 05/29/2017
Fall River Press
128p. 4.20(w) x 7.30(h) x 0.60(d). OP$8. Cover design by Aridi Arts.
The Supreme Court: Landmark Decisions, 20 Cases the Changed America by Anthony Mauro
→ Buy from B&N
Star Wars: Tales of Kenobi by John Jackson Miller, Alan Dean Foster
Includes Kenobi by John Jackson Miller and The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster. [*Originally titled Obi-Wan Kenobi.]
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9780525617570, 09/14/2022
Random House
752p. 6.20(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.7(d). OP$45.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9780063448094, 09/08/2025
Barnes & Noble
384p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne, illustrated by Ernest H. Shepard
An unabridged collection of all the Pooh stories collected in Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) and The House At Pooh Corner (1928).
[Note that the Pooh poems from the books When We Were Very Young (1924) and Now We Are Six (1927) are not included.]ISBN 9781101948170, 03/07/2016
368p. 7.90(w) x 10.20(h) x 1.10(d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
ISBN 9781435137837, 02/16/2012
384p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142107, 09/25/2012
384p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435162099, 04/04/2016
384p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Flora Waycott.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
B&N Children’s Floral Collection
ISBN 9781435146013, 04/11/2013
Fall River Press
112p. 4.00(w) x 7.40(h) x 0.30(d). OP$8.
ISBN 9798217028474, 01/03/2025
Doubleday Publishing
528p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
The Medical Book by Clifford Pickover
250 milestones in the history of medicine, from witch doctors to robot surgeons.
→ OOP. Check availability at Amazon | Book Depository | Abes | eBay
ISBN 9781435148048, 10/15/2013
528p. 7.60(w) x 8.80(h) x 1.50(d). OP$20.
B&N Milestone Series
The Psychology Book by Wade E. Pickren
250 milestones in the history of psychology, from shamanism to cutting-edge neuroscience.
→ Buy from Amazon | Book Depository | Abes | eBay
ISBN 9781454927884, 01/07/2018
528p. 7.50(w) x 8.80(h) x 1.40(d). OP$30.
B&N Milestone Series
ISBN 9781435106345, 03/20/2008
1040p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.20(d). OP$20. Cover art by Jessica Mazurkiewicz.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe
Includes The Fall of the House of Usher, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Raven, Annabel Lee, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, and more.
[*Reissue of 2008 edition with a new cover design.]
ISBN 9781435154469, 07/31/2015
1040p. 6.10(w) x 9.50(h) x 2.20(d). OP$25. Cover art by Florian Bertmer, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435137387, 08/18/2011
480p. 6.30(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.50(d). OP$20. Cover illustration by Jessica Mazurkiewcz, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Omnibus Classics
Edgar Allan Poe: Classic Stories by Edgar Allan Poe
A collection of over 20 tales including The Tell-Tale Heart, The Masque of the Red Death, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Mystery of Marie Rôget, and The Purloined Letter.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Book Depository
ISBN 9781435166189, 04/27/2018
360p. 5.90(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.60(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
The Raven and Other Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
A collection of 40 verses by Edgar Allan Poe.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwell
ISBN 9781435171374, 08/27/2021
128p. 4.00(w) x 7.00(h). OP$8. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
ISBN 9780448489476, 03/03/2015
408p. 8.10(w) x 10.20(h) x 1.20(d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
ISBN 9781101949993, 08/15/2023
448p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood retold and illustrated by Howard Pyle
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Book Depository
ISBN 9781435144743, 07/16/2016
456p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435133464, 10/19/2011
456p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142060, 09/25/2012
456p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights retold and illustrated by Howard Pyle
[*Reissue of 2011/2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162112, 06/01/2016
456p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
The Complete Adventures of Curious George by Margaret and H. A. Rey
Contains 6 titles: Curious George (1941), Curious George Takes a Job (1947), Curious George Rides a Bike (1952), Curious George Gets a Medal (1957), Curious George Flies a Kite (1958), and Curious George Learns the Alphabet (1963).
[Despite the ‘complete’ title, Curious George Goes to the Hospital (1966) is not included.]
ISBN 9781328916211, 02/19/2018
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
352p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h) x (d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
Stranger Things by Caitlin Schneiderhan and Adam Christopher
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9798217083855, 07/23/2025
RH Worlds
736p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
ISBN 9781435133488, 09/30/2011
264p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142022, 09/25/2012
264p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435163744, 05/27/2017
264p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.90(d). OP$10. Cover art by Flora Waycott.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
B&N Children’s Floral Collection
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare
[*Reissue of 1996 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435154476, 10/19/2015
1280p. 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.60(d). OP$25. Cover design by Spencer Charles.
ISBN 9781435149359, 12/27/2013
Fall River Press
112p. 5.00(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.40(d). OP$8.
Shakespeare’s Sonnets by William Shakespeare
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435169357, 05/31/2019
Fall River Press
128p. 4.20(w) x 7.00(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8. Cover design by David Ter-Avanesyan.
ISBN 9781435136168, 03/17/2012
216p. 5.86(w) x 9.86(h) x 1.06(d). OP$12. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with flexibound binding.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435159624, 03/20/2015
216p. 5.70(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
Heidi by Johanna Spyri, illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435144668, 07/28/2017
344p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Flora Waycott.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
B&N Children’s Floral Collection
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories by Robert Louis Stevenson
Includes The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; The Body-Snatcher; Markheim; Thrawn Janet; The Bottle Imp; The Isle of Voices; The Waif Woman; Olalla; and Will o’ the Mill.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435163096, 10/06/2016
312p. 5.90(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.40(d). OP$10. Cover design by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435133433, 09/30/2011
272p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142084, 09/25/2012
272p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics Series
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by N. C. Wyeth
[*Reissue of 2011/2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435160644, 06/27/2016
272p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jim Tierney.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
Dracula and Other Horror Classics by Bram Stoker
Includes Dracula, The Jewel of Seven Stars and The Lair of the White Worm, along with several short stories.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435142817, 07/22/2013
768p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25.
[Note: some printings use a very deep red for the accents that is almost grey.]
B&N Gothic Omnibus series
ISBN 9781435129733, 03/14/2011
408p. 5.80(w) x 8.34(h) x 1.64(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435159570, 03/27/2015
4.8p. 5.80(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.60(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Nikola Tesla, edited by Martin Thomas Commerford
[*Revised 2014 edition with errors corrected.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167957, 02/26/2018
512p. 6.40(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.60(d). OP$25.
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Constance Garnett
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
9781435139626, 08/25/2012
808p. 6.30(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.70(d). OP$25. Cover design by Elizabeth Traynor and Patrice Kaplan.
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Constance Garnett
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
9781435169876, 12/27/2019
896p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.90(d). OP$25.
ISBN 9781435137196, 10/15/2011
992p. 6.10(w) x 9.50(h) x 2.00(d). OP$20.
ISBN 9781435129726, 03/14/2011
312p. 5.74(w) x 8.34(h) x 1.34(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435159648, 04/03/2015
312p. 5.90(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.30(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435136151, 03/17/2012
224p. 8.46(w) x 5.59(h) x 1.14(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with flexibound binding.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435163669, 08/05/2016
224p. 8.40(w) x 5.70(h) x 1.10(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435158696, 8/31/2015
Fall River Press. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan, illustration by Hung Chung Chih.
128p. 4.20(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8.
Jules Verne: Seven Novels by Jules Verne
Includes Five Weeks in a Balloon, Around the World in Eighty Days, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Round the Moon, Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and The Mysterious Island
ISBN 9781435122956, 8/22/2010
1208p. 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.40(d). OP$20. Cover illustration Mada Design Inc, cover design by Rebecca Lysen.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435137820, 02/16/2012
480p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142114, 09/25/2012
480p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, illustrated by Milo Winter
[*Reissue of 2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162150, 05/27/2016
480p. 6.50(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.20(d). OP$10. Cover design by Bethan Janine Westran.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne, illustrated by Édouard Rio
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ISBN 9781435144736, 07/24/2017
384p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.10(d). OP$10.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435114906, 08/13/2009
944p. 6.54(w) x 9.38(h) x 2.00(d). OP$20. Cover art by Vince Locke, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Classics
The War of the Worlds and Other Novels by H. G. Wells
Includes The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The First Men in the Moon, The Food of the Gods, and In the Days of the Comet.
[*Reprint of the 2009 edition with a new cover.]
ISBN 9781435144309, 12/11/2012
944p. 6.66(w) x 9.14(h) x 2.01(d). OP$20. Cover art by Lewis Yetter, line art by Paul Girard, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N SciFi & Fantasy Classics
ISBN 9781435145979, 07/25/2013
608p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.30(d). OP$20.
ISBN 9780062853523, 06/29/2018
608p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h) x (d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
The Picture of Dorian Gray and Other Works by Oscar Wilde
Includes his short-fiction collection Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories, two collections of fairy tales, The Happy Prince and Other Tales and A House of Pomegranates., the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, and all nine stage plays.
ISBN 9781435139435, 05/20/2012
848p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.00(d). OP$20. Cover art by Elizabeth Traynor.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435129757, 03/14/2011
224p. 5.70(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.10(d). OP$15. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
[*Reissue of 2011 edition with flexibound binding.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435159587, 03/27/2015
224p. 5.80(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.00(d). OP$10. Cover art by Jessica Hische.
B&N Flexibound Editions
ISBN 9781435139619, 09/11/2012
624p. 6.6(w) x 9.4(h) x 1.8(d). OP$20.
B&N Omnibus Classics
ISBN 9781435133457, 10/19/2011
544p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
ISBN 9781435142077, 10/01/2012
544p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d). OP$10. Cover art by Kate Forrester, cover design by Jo Obarowski.
B&N Rainbow Children’s Classics
Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss, illustrated by Thomas Heath Robinson
[*Reissue of 2011/2012 edition with a new cover design.]
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435162198, 08/22/2016
544p. 6.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.40(d). OP$10. Cover design by John Hendrix.
B&N Illustrated Children’s Classics
Anthologies and Anonymous
A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Tales by various authors and illustrators
A treasury of Christmas tales with color vintage illustrations. Includes A Christmas Carol – Dickens; The Doll That Santa Claus Brought – Carrington; A Christmas Dream – Alcott; Old Christmas – Irving; Christmas at Red Butte – Montgomery; Kris Kringle and his Elves – McLoughlin; The Nutcracker – Hoffman; and selected poems.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | eBay | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435170452, 11/16/2021
Sterling Press
368p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h). OP$35. Cover design by Gina Bonanno.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
A Christmas Treasury by various authors and illustrators
A treasury of Christmas tales with color vintage illustrations. Includes the full text of A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens; A Country Christmas – Louisa May Alcott; The Peterkin’s Christmas Tree – Lucretia P. Hale; Christmas, or The Good Fairy – Harriet Beecher Stowe; A Christmas Inspiration – L. M. Montgomery; The Christmas Masquerade – Mary Freeman; The Romance of a Christmas Card – Kate Douglas Wiggin; The Gift of the Magi – O. Henry; Christmas Every Day – William Dean Howells; The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus – L. Frank Baum; and a selection of poems such as Clement Clarke Moore’s A Visit from St. Nicholas and others by Lewis Carroll, Mary Mapes Dodge, Harriet Prescott Spofford, William Cotter Wilson, and more.
ISBN 9781435164598, 09/29/2017
Sterling Press
368p. 8.10(w) x 10.30(h) x 1.20(d). OP$25. Cover illustration by Laurel Long, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
A Christmas Treasury
(Previously called Merry Christmas Treasury. Looks like a reprint of the 2017 edition – to be confirmed on publication.)
Contents include features the full texts of A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens and The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus – L. Frank Baum, as well as stories by Louisa May Alcott, Lucretia Hale, Harriet Beecher Stowe, L. M. Montgomery, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, O. Henry, and William Dean Howells.
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435173279, 09/17/2025
Barnes & Noble
368p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h). OP$35.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
ISBN 9781435146211, 08/12/2013
760p. 6.00(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$20.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln / A Tribute to Nations
Note: this book was included on the B&N website as being part of the collectible classics series at the time of publication, but closer examination of the book format makes it likely it was included in error.
ISBN 9781568527499, 09/04/2009
Konecky & Konecky
837p. 6.50(w) x 9.30(h) x 2.00(d). OP$20.
ISBN 9781435154339, 08/29/2014
Fall River Press
176p. 3.90(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.70(d). OP$8.
Chinese Myths and Folk Tales
A collection of stories adapted from Chinese Fables and Folk Stories (Davis and Chow-Leung, 1908), Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (Thos. De la Rue & Co, 1880); Some Chinese Ghosts (Little, Brown & Co, 1906), Chinese Folk-Lore (Macgowan, 1910) and The Chinese Fairy Book (Wilhelm, 1921).
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435169852, 02/13/2020
792p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.70(d). OP$25. Cover design by Freki Wodenswolf Jungnickel.
B&N World Folklore
Classic Fantasy Stories
Includes short stories such as The Devil in the Belfry by Edgar Allan Poe; The Hoard of the Gibbelins by Lord Dunsany; The Strange High House in the Mist by H. P. Lovecraft; A Fragment of Life by Arthur Machen; The Child That Went with the Fairies by J. Sheridan Le Fanu; and The Elves by Johann Ludwig Tieck; along with the complete short novels The Story of the Glittering Plain by William Morris, The Mahatma and the Hare by H. Rider Haggard, and Claimed by Francis Stevens.
ISBN 9781435169395, 07/15/2019
760p. 6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.70(d). OP$25. Cover design by Raphael Geroni.
B&N Collected Classics
ISBN 9781435165076, 08/25/2017
816p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.00(d). OP$20. Cover design by Raphael Geroni.
B&N Collected Gothic Classics
ISBN 9781435167896, 04/20/2018
816p. 6.40(w) x 9.70(h) x 2.00(d). OP$25. Cover design by Raphael Geroni.
B&N Collected Gothic Classics
Classic Horror Stories
More than 40 stories, including H. P. Lovecraft’s The Colour out of Space; Algernon Blackwood’s The Willows; Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher; Ambrose Bierce’s An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge; Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Body-Snatcher; William Fryer Harvey’s August Heat; and W. W. Jacobs’s The Monkey’s Paw.
ISBN 9781435146204, 09/18/2015
800p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.90(d). OP$25. Cover design by Arthur Burlingham/Fractured Pixels.
B&N Collected Gothic Classics
Classic Supernatural Stories
Includes three complete short novels: A Phantom Lover by Vernon Lee; Serapion by Francis Stevens; and The Ghost Pirates by William Hope Hodgson, along with short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen, Henry James, Edith Wharton, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Henry S. Whitehead and others.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435169418, 08/28/2019
800p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25. Cover design by Raphael Geroni.
B&N Collected Gothic Classics
ISBN 9781435173408, 12/15/2025
752p. 6.00 (w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
B&N World Folklore Collection
ISBN 9781435139305, 9/24/2012
1430p. 9.48(w) x 6.14(h) x 1.70(d). OP$20.
B&N Omnibus Classics
The Constitution of the United States of America with the Declaration of Independence
Includes a facsimile replica of the Constitution on antiqued parchment paper that measures 12.5” x 19”.
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ISBN 9781435145535, 01/18/2013
Fall River Press
112p. 4.00(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8.
ISBN 9781435141919, 2012
536p. 7.28(w) x 10.10(h) x 1.59(d). OP$20. Cover art by Vyacheslav Shevchenko. Cover design by Chin-Yee Lai and Jo Obarowski.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
Irish Fairy and Folk Tales
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ISBN 9781435155930, 01/02/2015
Fall River Press
144p. 4.10(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.60(d). OP$8. Cover design by David Ter-Avanesyan.
The Nutcracker and Other Christmas Tales, various authors and illustrators
Includes the full text of The Nutcracker by Alexandre Dumas and A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, along with works by Louisa May Alcott, L. M. Montgomery, Kate Douglas Wiggin, and L. Frank Baum, and poetry such as Clement Clark Moore’s A Visit from St Nicholas. Illustrated with vintage seasonal artwork.
→ OOP. Check availability at local B&N | Amazon | Abes | eBay
ISBN 9781435169265, 09/12/2019
368p. 8.20(w) x 10.30(h) x 1.10(d). OP$25.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
Penny Dreadfuls: Sensational Tales of Terror by various authors
Includes two novels—The String of Pearls, which immortalized Sweeney Todd; and the original 1918 edition of Frankenstein—as well as tales by Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson, Stoker, Alcott, and Conan Doyle.
→ OOP. Check availability at local B&N | Amazon | Abes | eBay
ISBN 9781435162761, 08/29/2016
680p. 6.40(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.50(d). OP$25. Cover design by Charles&Thorn.
B&N Collected Gothic Classics
The Phantom of the Opera and Other Gothic Tales by various authors
Includes The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux and The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole, as well as stories by H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Arthur Machen, Louisa May Alcott, E. T. A. Hoffmann, J. Sheridan Le Fanu, and Vernon Lee.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167131, 09/03/2018
816p. 6.50(w) x 9.30(h) x 2.00(d). OP$25. Cover design by Raphael Geroni.
B&N Collected Gothic Classics
ISBN 9781435168572, 12/28/2018
Fall River Press
128p. 3.90(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8.
ISBN 9781435155602, 12/19/2014
Fall River Press
128p. 4.00(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8. Cover design by Scott Russo.
Pocket Book of Prayers
Compiled and edited by Mark Gilroy.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435158191, 02/26/2015
Fall River Press
120p. 4.20(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8. Cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
The Pocket Book of Romantic Poetry
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ISBN 9781435169333, 10/25/2019
Fall River Press
144p. 4.30(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.60(d). OP$8. Cover design by Scott Russo.
Poems of the Irish People
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ISBN 9781435163119, 12/30/2016
Fall River Press
128p. 4.20(w) x 7.20(h) x 0.50(d). OP$8.
The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales
Includes The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen and The History of a Nutcracker by Alexandre Dumas, along with tales by Hans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Oscar Wilde, and selections from Andrew Lang’s fairy books.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435160699, 08/31/2015
736p. 5.90(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25. Cover art by Laurel Long, cover design by Patrice Kaplan.
B&N Fairy Tale Collections
A Treasury of Best-Loved Fairy Tales
Includes tales from the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault and others, and art by Arthur Rackham, Harry Clarke, Rene Bull, and Eleanor Vere Boyle.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435167292, 09/28/2018
400p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h). OP$25. Cover art by Laurel Long.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
A Treasury of Classic Ghost Stories
*Check contents against Classic Ghost Stories on publication.
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435173446, 08/15/2025
752p. 6.00(w) x 9.12(h). OP$35.
A Treasury of Irish Fairy and Folk Tales
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435161368, 01/11/2016
760p. 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.80(d). OP$25.
B&N World Folklore
A Treasury of Irish Literature by various authors
Includes the full-length novels Castle Rackrent by Maria Edgeworth and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, and the complete text of John Millington Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World, along with over 100 poems and ballads.
→ Buy from B&N | Amazon | Abes | Waterstones | Blackwells
ISBN 9781435165014, 07/28/2017
792p. 6.50(w) x 9.40(h) x 2.00(d). OP$25. Cover design by Kelly Thorn.
B&N Omnibus Classics
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas and Other Christmas Tales by various authors
A treasury of Christmas stories, with color vintage illustrations. Includes A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens; The Christmas Surprise at Enderly – L.M. Montgomery; A Christmas Mystery: The Story of Three Wise Men – William J. Locke; The Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall – Washington Irving; Mrs Podgers’ Teapot – Louisa May Alcott; Jolly Old Santa Claus – Sparkie; The Christmas Ghost – Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman; The Old Peabody Pew – Kate Douglas Wiggin; Bertie’s Christmas Eve – Saki; and poems by Hathaway, Burleigh, Stanich and Wright.
→ Buy from B&N
ISBN 9781435173156, 08/15/2023
368p. 7.75(w) x 10.00(h). OP$40.
Cover illustration and lettering by Nick Misani.
B&N Deluxe Children’s Treasuries
Rebecca · 6 February 2025 at 12:06 am
I love you for creating this list – this line of books is perfect for reading and collecting, I just have always been intimidated by all the different versions and the fact that some are out of print, but you compiling literally everything here is such a time saver
Daisy · 8 February 2025 at 7:40 am
Always so glad to hear it’s useful!
💕 Dx
Christine · 21 December 2024 at 6:49 am
A Bookstore has recently opened in my town , and they have some of these Classics in stock….i bought 6 of them , and was wondering what other titles there were…and i found this list ! Thanks so much as now i can write out a wish list and have the shop order them in for me.
Daisy · 24 December 2024 at 8:59 am
Oh great, hope you fave fun filling your wishlist 🙂
Kitty · 15 August 2024 at 1:32 pm
Hi, I love this list so much, and can see you put a lot of work into it. Do you by chance have a version of it in order of release year instead of alphabetical? It would just be easier to find newer books that way, instead of scanning the whole list. Either way, I love this blog so much, thanks for all the hard work!
Daisy · 15 August 2024 at 2:39 pm
Hi – thanks for the kind words! I don’t have a version listed by year yet, but I am working on putting them all into a searchable database – hopefully by the end of the year since I also have to work out how to code that onto the website, haha 😂