Pop-Up Nature – Martiniere jeunesse

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Nature Pop-Up Series

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Working with French publisher Martiniere jeunesse, pop-up engineers Olivier Charbonnel and Bernard Duisit have created a mesmerizing series of nature-themed pop-up books that boldly bring the wonders of our world to life.

Each of the books include around 20 pages of interesting information that includes history, science and mythology, with 5 pop-up spreads that invite readers to explore dynamic three-dimensional landscapes. The books are usually first published in French, then translated into English and Spanish, with some volumes also available in Italian, Dutch and other (primarily European) languages. 

I highly recommend this series for budding scientists, and they are a delightful interactive way to learn about and celebrate nature.

Jump to books on this page: Ocean | Forest | Moon | Earth | Volcano

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List of books

charbonnel popup ocean conver fr

Pop-Up Ocean

Dive into the ocean and witness the birth of underwater life, magnificent corals, incredible ships and extraordinary legends. 22 pages with 5 pop-up spreads. (Currently only available in French.)

Paper Engineer: Olivier Charbonnel, illustrated by Annabelle Buxton, text by Anne Jankéliowitch
Publisher: Martiniere jeunesse
Publication Date: Oct 2023 [French, 9791040113256]

Find French edition Pop-up Océan at Amazon | Abes | eBay

Pop-Up Forest

Enter the heart of the forest and find out how trees grow, how long they can live, the amazing network of roots and fungus under the ground, the legends that surround the trees, and more. 22 pages with 5 pop-up spreads.

Paper Engineer: Bernard Duisit, illustrated by Tom Vaillant, text by Fleur Daugey
Publisher: Martiniere jeunesse [FR], Thames & Hudson [EN]
Publication Date: Oct 2022 [FR 9782732494029]; Mar 2023 [English, 9780500653081]

Find English edition at Amazon | B&N | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Find French edition Pop-up Forêt at Amazon | Abes | eBay

Pop-Up Earth

Discover amazing facts about our planet, including its inner workings, how it has changed over time, and different ecosystems around the world. 20 pages including 5 pop-up spreads. 

Paper Engineer: Olivier Charbonnel, illustrated by Annabelle Buxton, text by Anne Jankéliowitch
Publisher: Martiniere jeunesse (FR), Thames and Hudson (EN)
Publication Date: Apr 2021 [EN, 9780500652572], Oct 2021 [FR, 9782732493763]

Find English edition at Amazon | B&N | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Find French edition Pop-Up Terre at Amazon | Abes | eBay

Pop-Up Volcano

Explore the science behind volcanic eruptions, what happens when magma meets water, creatures that live nearby, and the gods of these mountains of fire. 22 pages including 5 pop-up spreads.

Paper Engineer: Bernard Duisit, illustrated by Tom Vaillant, text by Fleur Daugey
Publisher: Martiniere jeunesse [FR], Thames & Hudson [EN]Publication Date: Nov 2019 [FR, 9782732484969]; Aug 2020 [EN, 9780500652220]

Find English edition at Amazon | B&N | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Find French edition Pop-up Volcans at Amazon | Abes | eBay

Pop-Up Moon

Discover where the moon comes from, why it appears to change shape, how it affects our oceans, how eclipses occur and more. 18 pages including 5 pop-up spreads. 

Paper Engineer: Olivier Charbonnel, illustrated by Annabelle Buxton, text by Anne Jankéliowitch
Publisher: Martiniere jeunesse [FR], Thames & Hudson [EN]
Publication Date: Oct 2018 [Fr, 9782732481272]; Jun 2021 [EN, 9780500651865]

Find English edition at Amazon | B&N | Waterstones | Blackwells | Abes | eBay

Find French edition Pop-up Lune at Amazon | Abes | eBay


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