Illustrated Bibliography
Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics: Pocket Classics
Collector’s guide to Barnes & Noble Pocket-sized collectible classics series: small volumes of poetry, philosophy and history in decorative bonded leather.
Collector’s guide to Barnes & Noble Pocket-sized collectible classics series: small volumes of poetry, philosophy and history in decorative bonded leather.
A complete list of ALL the books published in the Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics series (aka Leatherbound Classics), illustrated. Includes past and current titles.
A guide to all the books in the ‘Signature Editions’ collection of the Barnes & Noble leatherbound classics series.
A collector’s guide to the original Barnes & Noble leatherbound classics, first printed in the early ’90s, which featured simple gilt designs on sombre colored bonded leather bindings.
A collector’s guide to the Barnes & Noble rainbow children’s classics series, with brightly colored leather covers featuring silhouettes by Kate Forrester.