Tracking new additions to the site: Articles Changelog

Published by Daisy on

Hello lovely readers. This is just a quick post to draw your attention to the newly added “What’s New” tab up the top of each page. This takes you to a new changelog for the website I implemented a few weeks ago. 

If you’re a fierce collector, this will help you track not only when new collector’s guides are added to the site, but also when I update existing lists with new titles or images.

Ultimately, I’d love to have all the books I review on the site in a proper database so you can search everything by most recently added or modified, etc. But I’m a reader and booklover, not a wordpress engineer, so I haven’t yet figured out how I could do this. This is also a hobby site, so I don’t have commercial funds to implement anything complex. But if any of you have suggestions I could try, please do comment below or drop me a note – I’m open to experiment!

In the meantime though, I hope the changelog helps!

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Categories: Site updates


I'm the founder and operator of the Beautiful Books website ツ


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