Folio Society
Discover the world of collecting Folio Society books, known for their beautifully crafted editions, premium design, and limited print runs.
The category covers site and administrative updates.
Discover the world of collecting Folio Society books, known for their beautifully crafted editions, premium design, and limited print runs.
Annotated illustrated bibliographies, articles and collector’s guides for mystery and crime lovers, witha. special focus on the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie.
How to find all the best pop-up books coming out soon and available for pre-order.
Archived list of preorder offers, incentives and swag from Jan-Jun 2023.
Reviews of various “collector’s editions” of contemporary literature. [coming soon]
A list of the latest preorder swag offers as at the end of December 2022
A list of the latest special edition updates as at the end of December 2022
A list of archived book preorder offers, incentives and swag, from Jul 2022.
If you ended up here, it’s probably because you’re a bot or someone with malicious intent. Grrrr, please go away! But if you just arrived here by accident, then hello! Please click on the home icon and you’ll get safely out of these dangerous, unknown waters… hic sunt dracones ( Read more…
Looking for some beautiful books on myths, legends and world folklore? This list includes all the best ones, both vintage and currently in print.