Collecting MinaLima Interactive Classics
A complete illustrated bibliography and collector’s guide to MinaLima’s interactive children’s classics series, interactive Harry Potter, and more.
Books written primarily for the information or entertainment of children and young adults (I use it pretty loosely here, since most of the books under this category are definitely appreciated by adults too).
A complete illustrated bibliography and collector’s guide to MinaLima’s interactive children’s classics series, interactive Harry Potter, and more.
A collection of the most beautifully illustrated foreign (non-English) editions of Lewis Carroll’s Alice books – Collector’s Guide to Alice in Wonderland, bibliography page 5.
The 25th anniversary gift edition of Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights / The Golden Compass is beautifully illustrated by Chris Wormell and well worth finding for your collection.
Barnes & Noble’s beautiful and bright leatherbound children’s classics series featuring golden age illustrations and fantastic contemporary cover designs.
An illustrated book collector’s guide to the most beautiful editions of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s classic children’s novel The Secret Garden.
FAO Schwarz and Target have banded together to release these pretty children’s classics book boxes, complete with swag.
Calla Editions is Dover’ premium imprint, and it primarily reproduces works from the “golden age of illustration” – a period when bookmaking was a beloved art form and many stunningly illustrated books were produced. Most are cloth-bound facsimiles of deluxe editions of illustrated children’s classics, but there are also original designs, photo collections, recipe books and other non-fiction selections.
Collector’s guide to Barnes & Noble Pocket-sized collectible classics series: small volumes of poetry, philosophy and history in decorative bonded leather.
Collecting » Authors & Artists » Charles van Sandwyk » Publications: 2010-present Charles van Sandwyk: A Guide for Collectors (p.2) On this page: Introduction | Complete List of Titles | A Peek into some Private Collections Annotated bibliography: Artist Books from 1983-2009 | Artist Books from 2010-current [this page] | Read more…
Collecting » Classics » Barnes & Noble » Children’s Treasuries Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Deluxe Children’s Treasuries On this page: Introduction | FAQ | Complete List of Titles Introduction These oversized, profusely illustrated ‘deluxe’ treasury editions in the Barnes & Noble collectible leatherbound classics series are usually tall, slim volumes Read more…