Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics: The Original Series
A collector’s guide to the original Barnes & Noble leatherbound classics, first printed in the early ’90s, which featured simple gilt designs on sombre colored bonded leather bindings.
A collector’s guide to the original Barnes & Noble leatherbound classics, first printed in the early ’90s, which featured simple gilt designs on sombre colored bonded leather bindings.
A collector’s guide to the Barnes & Noble rainbow children’s classics series, with brightly colored leather covers featuring silhouettes by Kate Forrester.
Updated 2022. The massive overhaul of my illustrated guide to collecting Alice in Wonderland editions is finally complete, including internal illustrations to help you choose your favourite volumes.
The second half of my wonder-filled tour through a bookshelf full of magical tomes, supernatural creature guides, and out-of-this-world fantasy art.
The Gresham Myths, or Gresham’s ‘Myth and Legend in Literature and Art’ series is a beautiful collection of 12 vintage books with stunning Art Nouveau decorative bindings, produced between 1912-1931.
A wonder-filled tour through a bookshelf full of magical tomes, supernatural creature guides and out-of-this-world fantasy art.
Collecting » Myths, Legends & Folklore » Enchanted Library Faerie Magazine’s Enchanted Library series Introduction The ‘Enchanted Library’ series is produced by Carolyn Turgeon, editor of Faerie Magazine. It includes a collection of exquisitely illustrated and beautifully designed so-called ‘lifestyle’ compendia, that incorporate the legends, lore, literature and art of Read more…
Collecting » Children » Puffin Hardback Classics Puffin Hardback Children’s Classics Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links for which I may be compensated (this does not affect my reviews nor cost you any money, but helps support my site hosting costs). I deeply appreciate your support Read more…
A list of Finding Out Magazine volumes that included illustrations by the Grahame Johnstone twins, as well as a selection of illustrations from stories within the volumes.
Collector’s guide for Alice in Wonderland books: an in-depth illustrated review of all the most beautiful editions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll – this first page includes all the contemporary editions.